Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Win a Copy of Adsense Machine

Win a free copy of Adsense Machine by Ankur Shula. Go to


Effective Home treatments for Back Pain

If your back pain does not require medical attention, i.e. if you feel you over exerted the muscles you can perform a few actions at home to, perhaps relieve your pain. The common treatments include bed rest, pain remedies, cold or hot pads, massage, relax, and so on.

Sometimes when we pull the muscles pain relievers can help reduce the pain. Common over-the-counter meds include ibuprofen, aspirin, or meds with acetaminophen included. You should avoid taking ibuprofen and aspirin combined to treat common back pain. In addition, if you have asthma, allergies, or polyps, leave ibuprofen and aspirin alone.

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West Coast Swing Class Reno NV Advanced Lesson Review | Ballroom Dance Lessons in Reno NV

West Coast Swing Class Reno NV Advanced Lesson Review | Ballroom Dance Lessons in Reno NV


Professions most prone to back pain

Every job has its advantages and downsides and this is obvious, although there are some jobs that can trigger or aggravate back pain. Usually these professions involved carrying heavy weights most of the time, sitting with your spine bent, or sitting down at a desk for most of the time. Also, in the case of people that suffered from back or neck injuries, things can get even worse, as the risks associated with developing chronic back pain at their job is significantly higher. The Bureau for Labor Statistics discovered a staggering number of non-fatal occupational injuries, from which a considerable number were related to juries causing back pain. But, even if you don’t suffer an injury that can cause back pain, you can develop this problem in time, if you maintain your profession. Here are the professions considered most responsible for causing back pain.

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All about Back Braces for Back Pain

Many people suffer from chronic pain in their upper and lower back. As such, it comes as no surprise that back braces for back pain are so important. In fact, the University of Maryland Medical Center estimates that between 60% and 80% of Americans wear these braces and that back pain is one of the leading causes of disability in the US.

When the lower (or lumbar) spine moves, it delays healing in post-operative fusions and fractures. To enhance the process at which bone heals in all types of back conditions, it is essential that you limit the movement of the spine. Doing so will also decrease lower back pain and any discomfort you might be feeling. This is where back braces for lumbar support come in.

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GNSS Antenna Manufacturer

Press release about a new omnidirectional, waterproof, rugged external antenna product line.  Parsec Technologies is a GPS Antenna Manufacturer.

omnidirectional external antennas

Causes of Early Abdominal & Back Pain in Early Pregnancy

Women can begin experiencing the symptoms of pregnancy within a few weeks of conception. Some of these symptoms may be mild and go unnoticed, but others can be quite obvious. Early abdominal pain can be startling, but there are many normal explanations for this symptom. Back pain often begins during the first trimester of pregnancy as well and is usually a healthy symptom of bodily changes. Some serious pregnancy complications can cause both back and abdominal pain.

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10 Methods to Ease Back Pains Efficiently

Back pain can always ruin your day, being extremely uncomfortable and bothersome. Anyone who experiences such pains will wish to try anything to make them go away and enjoy life more fully again.

You may have even heard about all sort of tricks to make back pains disappear, but really, how many of these tricks work? Very few probably.

Given that you are reading this article now it is likely that such is the case for you or someone you love and care about.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

What Is Weight Loss - Are You Serious and How Does It Work?

If you're short on time, but need to lose weight, use these time-saving weight loss tips to help you on your way. The pounds will begin to fall off, and your self-esteem will increase.

Swap Out High Fat Foods for Lower Fat Options:
Swap out your rich ranch dressing for a fat-free or low-calorie salad dressing. Switch to 2%, fat-free dairy products or medifast lean green meals.

In today's stressed-out society, it can be difficult to even think about investing the time to eat properly and exercise. You may be struggling with obesity, but also struggling with finding the time to care for yourself properly. Time constraints can lead you to wonder how you'll ever find the time to improve your health.

Avoid Liquid Calories:
Sodas, juices, specialty coffee drinks, and liquors can all pack a high-calorie punch. Liquid calories don't fill you up the same way food does, so it can be easy to overdo it if you aren't careful. Skip the high-calorie liquids, and stick with water.

You may be struggling with obesity, but also struggling with finding the time to care for yourself properly. Time constraints can lead you to wonder how you'll ever find the time to improve your health.

Weight loss is a gradual process, and every small step you take towards your goal helps. Even with time constraints, you can make small daily changes to help move you towards your goal weight.

It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician.

Build Exercise Into Your Day:
Take small steps to increase your activity throughout your day. Take a walk on your lunch break. Every little bit helps towards your weight loss goals.

Drink Water:
Flushing the fat out of your body on a regular basis will lead to weight loss. If you struggle with the lack of flavor, try adding a lime or lemon wedge, or one of the new sugar-free drink mixes.

Weight loss is a gradual process, and every small step you take towards your goal helps. Even with time constraints, you can make small daily changes to help move you towards your goal weight.


3 Skin lightening soap Secrets You Never Knew

When using skin bleaching soap, you should note that different soaps are ideal for different types of skins; therefore, you should take your time to research and find the right soap for your skin type. In addition to considering the type of soap, also consider the ingredients used in making the soap.

If you are black, Asian, or African American, there are plenty of skin lightening products that you can use to have a lighter complexion. Here are some of the products that you can go for:


There are plenty of pills in the market, but few are ideal for you. When making the purchase, go for those that are FDA certified. Ensure that the pills are safe and gentle on the skin. Using pills to bleach your skin is dangerous; therefore, you should first get the advice of your physician before you start using them. Some of the side effects that come with using the pills include: allergic reactions, hormonal imbalances, internal physical stress, and liver conditions.

Skin lightening creams

They are the most popular and are said to give the best results. When making the purchase, pay close attention to the ingredients used in making them. Go for those made from all natural ingredients if possible. Go with those with the highest number of natural ingredients if you can't find them. The ingredients that you should look out for are: arbutin, kojic acid, hydroxyl acids, vitamin C and glycolic acid.

To be on the safe side avoid those containing harmful ingredients such as mercury. Also, avoid those containing high levels of hydroquinone and retinoid. While the creams containing these ingredients are highly effective, they come with plenty of side effects.

Tips on how to undertake great skin lightening

Skin lightening is an art and you should undertake it properly for you to have ideal results. Remember that proper skin lightening doesn't happen overnight.

Another thing that you should do is regularly exfoliate and hydrate your skin. This is to increase the intake of the skin lightening product.

We deal with different types of natural ingredients such as Alpha arbutin that you can use to lighten your skin. We also deal with Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone and many others.

Soaps are less harmful than pills as you don't ingest them. When using soaps you should note that different soaps are ideal for different types of skins; therefore, you should take your time to research and find the right soap for your skin type. In addition to considering the type of soap, also consider the ingredients used in making the soap. For ideal results, go for soap containing papaya, kojic or glutathione.

Using pills to bleach your skin is dangerous; therefore, you should first get the advice of your physician before you start using them.


3 Weight Loss Tips Secrets You Never Knew

Drinking very cold water can help you lose weight. Your body cools down as you drink the cold water. Drink cold water instead of other high-calorie beverages like sodas.

Green vegetables should be incorporated into any weight loss plan because they are an integral component to add to your diet regimen.They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and minerals that will keep your body fit and healthy. Some great greens include spinach, spinach, green beans, asparagus, and kale.Add these to your diet for results!

Drink water before you eat each meal. When you have gone too long without food, it becomes easy to overindulge.

Weight loss is often elusive but this need not be the case for you.

Maintain a food diary to help you achieve your progress.You don't have to count calories. You might be surprised at how much you previously thought. Keeping track also lets you know what it is you eat. If you know that you have to record it, you may think twice about having another cookie or slice of cake.

Weight loss starts in your mind.If you have decided that it is time for you to lose some weight, it will be necessary to exercise true restraint in order to remain committed when times get tough.

There are many alternative options for cardio that don't involve treadmills or repetition. Swimming is the perfect alternative for those who are older or suffer from joint problems to get in a cardio workout and tone their muscles. You could also take dance classes.

There are two good reasons why you need plenty of protein in your regimen to lose weight. Larger muscles will increase your metabolism and burn fat quicker.

Try to only consume water after you eat breakfast every day. Water is a very healthy beverage because it contains no fats or calories and sugars, and works to cleanse your body as it hydrates. Drinking water all day will allow you shed your extra pounds.

Eat dinner early as possible. Your metabolism can't burn off calories at night as easily as it can during the earlier in the day you eat.

You can go all the way to skim milk if you're already going with two percent milk.

All you have to do is get started losing weight since you know what to do now. Do not pass this chance up; put what you have read into play.

Does the idea of losing weight intimidate you? Eat leaner meat prepared in a healthy manner if you are trying to lose weight. Combining exercise with good eating habits is great for losing weight and your overall well-being. The most important element to weight loss is burning more calories than are taking in.

Drinking very cold water can help you lose weight.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Cryptocurrency for Beginners

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How to Invest in Bitcoin

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A Healthier Mashed Potato

You’ll actually think these are mashed potatoes and so will everyone else!  This recipe for mashed cauliflower is perfect for low-carb diets and will also fool your family, while serving them a healthy, low salt dish. 


Stop YouTube Demonetization

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What Should You Do When Your Wife Wants a Divorce and You Don’t

Being a beautiful relationship, a married life is something that every couple dreams to be spent in a wonderful way. But we all need to be highly realistic and should be aware of the problems or issues that arise in this relationship.


Salt...Breaking a Bad Habit

Eating a diet that is low in whole grains, fruit, nuts and seeds and fish oils and high in salt raises the risk of an early death, according to the huge and ongoing study Global Burden of Disease.

Too little fruit kills nearly five million people every year, and too much salt kills four million. There are three things we can do to lower our salt intake.


Don’t add salt at the table. A third of us add salt to our food before even tasting it!



Stop adding salt when cooking. At first the food will taste bland. Two to four weeks later, however, as the sensitivity of the salt taste receptors in the mouth become more sensitive to the taste of salt in the usual concentrations. Believe it or not, after two weeks you may actually prefer the taste of food with less salt.


Avoid processed foods that have salt added. Even if we completely stop adding salt in the kitchen and dining room but still eat processed foods with salt, it will only bring our down salt intake a small fraction (because of the high salt content in processed foods).

If you do buy processed foods, select foods that have fewer milligrams of sodium than there are calories. For example here the sodium is 720; calories are 260. 720 is greater than 260, so this has too much sodium. The reason it works is because most people get about 2,200 calories a day, so if everything you ate had more calories than sodium you’d at least get under 2,300 milligrams of sodium upper limit for healthy people under age 50.

What to use for flavor...

Some of the flavorings you can use instead of salt include pepper, onion, garlic, tomato, sweet peppers, basil, parsley, thyme, celery, lime, chilli, nettle, rosemary, smoke flavor, curry, coriander, and lemon.

Of course, the healthiest foods have no labels at all. We should also try to buy as much fresh food as we can, as it is almost impossible to come up with a diet consisting of unprocessed natural food that exceeds the strict American Heart Association guidelines for sodium reduction.

Sensational Seasonings include Pork Rub, Chicken Seasoning & Jamaican Jerk SeasoningOur Pork Rub is completely salt -free (this comes in handy when brining, so you don't "double salt" or if you are restricted to a salt-free diet). Our Chicken Seasoning is a 'low-salt' seasonings while our Jamaican Jerk Seasoning is 'very low-salt'. These seasonings meet FDA guidelines for salt-free, low-salt and very low-salt classifications. Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavoring from the seasonings without over-salting and lets you control your salt use.


'Fabulous Four' Must Use Flavors


At Sensational Seasonings we are all about great flavor and finding every possible way to maximize it! Imagine - it's Friday night and you're having some friends over for dinner, so you go all out preparing a delicious meal. Now imagine your frustration, when the dinner that you spent hours preparing, just doesn't have the 'zing' that you were looking for. It's bland, despite all the herbs and seasonings that you used.

What happened?

With most recipes, there are four distinct flavors that are necessary to make your dinners impress. Leaving out just one of these makes a big difference and may even cause you to overcompensate by making it more salty or sweet. Think about it...salt is inexpensive and that's why many processed foods have sodium levels that are off the chart!

So what are these four magical potions?

Well, I've already mentioned two of them...salt and something sweet. The other two are spicy and sour. However, let's say that you don't like spicy food...or you are trying to cut back on salt. That's the beauty of these fabulous four, they balance each other out so that you don't have to go overboard with any one of them.


Here's an example and a great marinara sauce recipe...

Let's put into practice by making a marinara sauce. Start by sauteing minced onions, garlic, carrots, and celery cooking over medium heat in olive oil. Next, let's enhance the flavor and add more ingredients.

Flavor #1 - Salt

Let's start with salt, 1/2 tsp to be exact. What salt does is actually bring out the natural flavors of food. There's a reason why marinara sauce from the grocery store tastes so good, it's loaded with salt! That's why it's better and healthier to make your own at home. Remember though, one of the benefits of cooking at home is to reduce your salt intake and make better choices, so take it easy with the salt.

Tip: Another way to incorporate some salt, without going crazy, is by using Parmesan cheese or bacon. Imagine finishing pasta with some Parmesan or adding some crispy bacon.

Flavor #2 Spicy

Back to our marinara recipe...Now add just a pinch of chili peppers or red chili flakes and a teaspoon of thyme (or for a nice mix of herbs and spices use Sensational Seasonings' salt free, Italian Herb. If using Sensational Seasonings, add two teaspoons along with a pinch of pepper flakes.  This is where spicy comes in. Spice works really well when it compliments some sweetness in a dish. Plus it really wakes up your pallet.

Tip: Here's another idea for adding just a little heat to a side dish that can come out tasting bland...Fried rice. If you're making fried rice, use  just a little sriracha or chili sauce.
Let's now add two heaping tablespoons of tomato paste. Even better, cook the tomato paste for a couple minutes which intensifies the flavors of the tomato even more and it gives it plenty of depth.

Flavor #3 Sour

Now for this flavor enhancer, we're talking about either acid or something sour. For this recipe, some red wine will do the trick. Add some wine to the pan and reduce it by half. Now add a can of pureed tomatoes.The flavor is going to become more intense and really create a good base. Something acidic, like this, works because it brightens things up and it cuts through the richness of some dishes.
Tip: With other dishes, lemon juice cuts through the richness and make the flavor bright and pop. This is why so many recipes call for it. Also, a touch of vinegar is great for a salad dressing because they're mostly made of oil which is rich. Balance it out with one part acid or vinegar. So much better!

Flavor #4 Sweet

For the fourth layer of flavor, we're going to add honey, which rounds out all the flavors perfectly. Especially for marinara sauce because tomatoes are very acidic and the honey helps cut through that acid. Another way to add sweetness is Molasses. Honey or some kind of 'sweet' is also important when making chili. Always add it gradually though and taste along the way.

Bonus Flavor - Richness

Here's a bonus to make your marinara sauce even better. If you'd like to add a rich, earthy flavor to this marinara sauce, try either mushrooms, soy sauce or Parmesan cheese (or all of the above). There you go! Don't forget these fabulous four, it makes cooking at home that much more enjoyable and fulfilling! And by cooking at home, you can take control of your diet, limit your salt intake and live a healthier life.


Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content in our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include, while allowing you take total control of your salt intake.


Friday, January 26, 2018

Emergency Garage Door Repair in La Crosse WI

A garage door isn't something you often think about. Until it stops working that is. Then it's an emergency. The situation is even worse if there is no second door that can be used to gain entry to the garage.

Crawling through the window to release the manual override or to force open the door is not the kind of thing you want to be doing before work. Not only that, but unfortunately, once the garage door opener has been overridden, getting the garage door to stay closed can be tricky as well and nobody wants to leave their garage exposed and open all day or night. 

While this scenario isn't an everyday occurrence, anyone who has ever had a garage door that needed to be repaired can tell you it is no fun.

Fortunately, most cities, like La Crosse Wisconsin have pros for this type of emergency so you won't have to worry about these things. Take it from someone who HAS crawled through a garage window before class on a Winter Wisconsin morning, just let the professionals handle it. Sometimes it's good not to have to think about things. But when the need arises and you suddenly find yourself in need of emergency garage door repair, you'll have a new appreciation for the work the experts do.

Emergency Garage Door Repair La Crosse WI

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5 Fun Unicorn Facts

Magical Unicorns - 5 Fun Facts

1. Unicorns are magical mythological creatures, similar in appearance to a horse except it has a magical horn, which as legend would have us believe, the horn has very special healing powers. Unicorn horn can be white, or gold.

2. Divining Truth: If you are a liar, it is said a unicorn will pierce you through the heart with its horn. 

3. Supreme Strength: According to Jewish legend, the unicorn can easily kill an elephant, a testament to its immense power and strength.

4. Purity: It is believed that the unicorn is attracted to purity and innocence

More fun facts 

5. Apparently according to Tatler - One of Prince George's christening presents was allegedly a hairbrush made with the hair from a unicorn's mane. And the Princess of Cambridge uses it.


Magical Unicorn Slippers - Showcasing Genius Department Store Product Of The Week

At Genius Department Store each week their will be a featured product to highlight the #GDS Teams favourite product of the week. This week we're loving these, awesome Magical Unicorn Slippers. And sincerely hope you have as much fun as we do when wearing them. These Magical Unicorn Light Up Slippers have many features but our favourite - They light up the way as you walk. YOU will never stumble around in the dark again, with these cute slippers. Assuming this is another magical fact, (not mentioned above), the cheeks light up when you press the button on their hoof. 

Magical Unicorn Light UP Slipper - Demo. Promo Video. 

Magical Unicorn Slippers

Features - 

Glow in the dark LED lights in Unicorns cheeks, these Slippers don't just look great. You could be the envy of all your friends as you parade around the house in these cosy and comfy slippers.

MULTICOLORED: LED lights in the cheeks cycle through a rainbow of colors.

ON/OFF switch. Battery Included

GREAT GIFT: For any unicorn fans - You are IN for a huge treat! These unique illuminated slippers are going to light up your way. No more stumbling around in the dark.

COMFORTABLE: Soft and fluffy unicorn slippers.

ONE SIZE: One Size fits most. 


1# Small size lady US 5/6 =EUR 36/37

2# Middle size lady US 7/8 =EUR 38/39


 Feel free to post us your Unicorn pics to our Facebook page. The #GeniusDepartmentStore team look forward to seeing those :)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Top 15 foods to fight inflammation

If you're reading this, you are probably dealing with inflammation or you're doing your best to avoid it! I'm about to give you a list of the top 15 anti-inflammatory foods and herbs.

Since inflammation is a major cause of disease, you'll definitely want to incorporate these foods into your diet. In fact, heart disease is caused by the inflammation of your arteries, while arthritis is caused by inflammation in your joints. Even ulcerative colitis is caused by inflammation of your colon. Most disease today has an inflammatory component, even cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Top 15 -


  • Leafy Greens! Green, leafy vegetables are high in vitamin K as well as chlorophyll which helps detoxify your body and lower levels of inflammation. Looking to change up your salads, try chard, dandelion greens, beet greens.  Spinach and kale are great as well in terms of their vitamin K, their calcium, magnesium. Those minerals to help lower inflammation in the body.
  • The next one is Bok Choy, part of that cabbage family which is  very high in something called vitamin U. Vitamin U is known to support glutathione levels in the body which helps lower inflammation and helps support the liver. So bok choy, another incredible super food with anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Celery is another unique super food for reducing inflammation (and especially celery juice). Celery is very high in electrolytes and also a trace mineral called silica. It's high in potassium and overall works in a unique way to help flush toxins out of our bodies. It helps with something called "fluid exchange" of intracellular and extracellular fluids.

    Celery is also great for gout. If somebody has uric acid buildup in their body and they would have a sore elbow or certain joints, celery helps with flushing out uric acid out of your system. So overall, an incredible vegetable for its anti-inflammatory benefits.

  • Beets is next on the list (though one that you'll want to be careful with if you're watching your sugar levels). Beets actually boost something in your body called nitric oxide, which is known to increase your body's red blood cells and your overall circulation. This is why endurance athletes supplement with nitric oxide.

    Many eat beets because of its ability to help support red blood cell production and the overall health of the blood. Nitric oxide also helps reduce inflammation in the body. So beet's an incredible super food for building your blood, improving endurance, improving energy but also for supporting the heart health and reducing inflammation!

  • Broccoli, which is very unique in many ways! It actually has high levels of chromium which is really good for your blood sugar levels ( and great for diabetics). Broccoli is actually one of the most nutrient-dense of all foods out there including its high level of vitamin C - another natural anti-inflammatory. I actually eat broccoli several times a week!
  • Here's a tasty health food that almost everyone loves...Blueberries! Now, blueberries are powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants as they contain resveratrol, flavonoids and vitamin C.  Blueberries and certain antioxidants actually help eat up oxidative stress.
  • Next up...Pineapple which has the highest levels of a nutrient called bromelain (in the core). Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation. In fact, a lot of athletes are now doing beet juice before they go and work out and then pineapple juice after since bromelain reduces inflammation the naturals sugars in pineapple help with the recovery after exercise.
  • Here's one you probably didn't expect...Bone Broth! If you knew this, you get bonus points. Bone broth is very high in collagen-producing amino acids such as proline and glycine and hydroxyproline. This is what helps us anti-age and makes our skin tighter.And also, bone broth is very high in three unique nutrients: hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and chondroitin. When preparing soup with a broth, try to use one which is low salt, especially considering most Americans consume too much salt. A bowl of soup sounds good right about now!
  • Fatty fish. This includes Salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and cod. These and others are high in healthy fats. Salmon is continues to gain in popularity because it is very high in omega-3s, the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Those reduce inflammation and helps the heart health. It's good for your skin, hair and even your eyes!
  • Next up...Walnuts, which are another omega-3 supplement, though walnuts contain different types of omega-3 fats than fatty fish like salmon. Walnuts contain ALA, alpha-linolenic acid. Those omegas and some of the minerals they have are known to help support brain health as well as inflammation.
  • The next one has become controversial lately - Coconut oil. Here's where the controversy exists...some evidence has shown that the saturated fats in coconut oil are actually good for your cells and reduce inflammation. However, at the same time, it is labeled by the American Heart Association as an unhealthy fat.Do your research on this one or talk to your physician - for now, I personally continue to use coconut oil in my diet, but only in moderation.
  • Cha-cha-cha-Chia Seeds. Like walnuts, they are high in ALA. Chia seeds are probably the highest omega-3 fatty rich food on the planet. Chia seeds also create what's called mucilaginous fiber. In fact, if you put them in water, they become very gelatinous which is very good for cleaning out your colon (just like jello is). As a bonus, chia seeds are also know to increase energy (and NOT in a caffiene kind of way). Overall, it's a great energy-boosting seed as well as anti-inflammatory because of its great fiber and its omega-3 content.
  • Continuing the theme, Flax Seeds, which are also high in omega-3s. Flax seeds contain really unique compounds that support balancing out estrogen in the body and if your inflammatory condition is related to gut health, flax seeds can also help. Your next decision, whole versus ground.
  • This next one is greatly known for it health benefits as well as its great flavor...Turmeric. Using Turmeric as a spice for cooking is a great way to add flavor to your food as part of a low salt diet. Turmeric contains two really unique compounds. In powder form, it's very high in curcumin. Thousands of studies have been done on turmeric and curcumin and its benefit to fight cancer, heart disease and to reduce inflammation.

    Also, turmeric contains a compound especially in its essential oil form.If you buy turmeric oil, it's called turmerone which has been shown to help support your body in tissue regeneration and producing more of its own stem cells to help heal herniated discs, torn ligaments or any type of tissue damage in the body. Turmeric is probably the ultimate anti-inflammatory herb, followed closely by Ginger.

  • Ginger contains gingerols as well as zingibain. Zingibain is a proteolytic enzyme that really helps reduce inflammation at the cellular level. Gingerols work similar to some of those compounds in turmeric at reducing inflammation. It's great for reducing inflammation of the digestive system and the joints.  As a bonus, it's really good for helping any type of issue related to tissue in the brain.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends. At Sensational Seasonings we are 'all about' making the lives better. We look forward to sharing other health tips as well as healthy recipes with you!

Sensational Seasonings is a gourmet seasonings company located in Johnson City, TN. Our healthy and delicious product line includes:  Cajun Blackening Seasoning, Chicken Seasoning, Jamaican Jerk Seasoning, Italian Seasoning and Pork Rub. Each of our seasoning blends are either salt-free or low-salt (meeting all guidelines of the FDA). Reducing the salt content of our seasonings allows you to get more flavor from all the herbs and spices we include while allowing you take total control of your salt use. 



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Wednesday, January 24, 2018




Cell Phone Stun Guns Review

Cell phone stun guns, like any other stun devices, are an extremely effective form of self-defense that may be lawfully purchased and transported in the majority of areas within the USA. A cell phone stun gun appears completely similar to an actual cell phone as it allows the user to carry these devices and never have to feel self-conscious about noticeably holding a weapon of self-defense.

Few Problems in Marriage That Can Cause Divorce

Marriage constitutes a life-long commitment that is full of compromises and sacrifices for the better whole. There will be then times when there will be petty arguments and resentment between the couple.




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Carports, architectural mouldings, door surrounds roof lanterns and lots more

Resin roofs supply cantilevered carports, architectural plastic mouldings including door surrounds flexi custom made porch roofs, roof lanterns, doors and lots more

Healthy Recipe, Easy Dinner

Healthy Recipes Easy Dinner by Sensational Seasonings

Sensational Seasonings provides healthy, delicious recipes and low salt or salt-free seasonings for those looking to live a healthier life, low blood pressure and/or loose weight (by eating low-carb meals).

Our Recipe Advantages:

  • Quick & Easy
  • Low Salt, Healthy Recipes
  • Delicious Easy Recipes!
  • Yummy for the Entire Family
  • Great for Low Carb Diets

We hope you enjoy Healthy Recipes, Easy Dinner brought to you by Sensational Seasonings!

You can get more details about Sensational Seasonings and healthy, easy dinner recipes here:

Thanks for checking out our Healthy Recipes, Easy Dinner video!


Reasons For Getting A Separation And How To Go About Doing It

There comes a time in your life when you know that things are not quite to work out the way that you had hoped with your partner, and that the situation is not going to improve anytime soon. At such times it’s important to remember to consider your options carefully and then take a decision which you feel is right, and which will be beneficial for both the parties.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Few things you should NOT say to your kids during a divorce

Divorce is tough on kids and if you are going through an uncontested divorce it is a good idea to not discuss your divorce problems and what you think about their other parent at all. Kids go out to school and tell their teachers and friends things they hear at home.


Website Assessments

Are you tired of hearing from so called "gurus" that they can get your business on the first page of Google?

A better question is: What would it be like for local buyers to find your website online when they are looking to buy the services or products you offer?

Click here to continue reading...


7 Things You Must Know Before Dating a Divorced Woman

Divorce is a painful end to what usually starts out as a beautiful relationship. Whatever the cause of a divorce, it takes its toll on the self-esteem and emotional health of both partners.

The Basics of Child Custody and Divorce

Marriage is a beautiful relation binding two different people together in a bond of respect, love, and care. But when this relationship is on the rocks, not just the partners but especially their children go through an immense emotional jerk.

child custody

Get Rid of snoring For Good

Snoring is a sound that many people to make in their sleep without realizing it. Snoring is not only embarrassing and possibly a potential indicator of internal problems. The following article will offer helpful advice about snoring.

Try sleeping in different positions. Lying on your back could cause your head to tilt too far back or forward, and the throat closes up slightly.

Many snorers have tried sleeping in a more upright position using several pillows to open their airways and have been successful. This can allow nasal drainage to go into your lungs, and then letting them flow into the lungs. This technique will prevent most snoring.

Keeping your weight under control can help to minimize snoring. While snoring is not always related to weight, extra fat in the neck region can place additional pressure on the airways, as the fat in your neck can increase the pressure on your throat. {If your snoring got worse when you packed on the pounds, lose the weight and you may reduce your snoring.|Lose the weight and you may reduce your snoring if your snoring got worse when you packed on the pounds.

Taking sleeping pills can actually increase the amount of snoring you do, but not taking them can reduce your snoring. One of the things that sleeping pills do is relax muscles throughout your body. This constriction of your airways can lead to snoring.

{If you are snoring and you are pregnant, make a trip to the doctor immediately.|Make a trip to the doctor immediately if you are snoring and you are pregnant. Snoring in pregnancy is common due to extra weight and pressure on your body, but you should make sure that it is not limiting the oxygen supply to your baby.Schedule a visit with your doctor to protect your baby's health.

Make sure to keep well-hydrated in order to prevent snoring also. If you aren't drinking enough water, your nasal passage secretions are thicker and stickier, which can clog the airways and cause snoring. Try to drink at least ten cups of water every day, in order to reduce the chance of your snoring.

When you are dealing with a stuffed up nose, try them out.

Blow your nose and use saline nasal spray prior to going to bed.

Snoring keeps your partner crazy after listening to it night after night. Sleeping in this position is not a medically proven solution to snoring.

If you sleep near someone else who snores, head to bed slightly earlier than them so you can fall asleep before they begin to snore. Head to bed slightly earlier than them so you can fall asleep before they begin to snore if you sleep near someone else who snores. If you're a light sleeper, you may want to try a different technique, but it can't hurt to try!

Snoring can cause issues between you and connection with a significant other. Snoring can start out irritating your partner and frustrate sleeping in different rooms.

Try putting nasal strips before bed to help you breathe better and stop snoring.You and your family will sleep better at night if you wear one of these, but the strips may indeed limit your snoring and make everyone in your household much happier.

Try limiting extra food or drink a lot of alcohol consumption about three hours prior to going to sleep. Both of these things can relax your throat muscles. This can cause you to snore, regardless of whether you have a history of snoring.

Snoring can sometimes be the result of what you are putting into your body. Try to limit your use of alcohol and sedative intake. These things overly relax your body and make your body so relaxed that muscles in your throat are not able to function properly.

People who snore should attempt to sleep on their side when going to bed. When going to bed, people who snore should attempt to sleep on their side.  Research has shown that people lay on their sides are less likely to snore than those who sleep on their backs. While it could take a while to get used to, this can be a simple way to keep yourself from snoring.

Sleeping pills and alcohol will make snoring worse, but it's not a good way to try to stop snoring. They overly relax your muscles, including the muscles in the throat which means more, and maybe even louder, snoring.  You may have to talk about difficulties you are having troubles when sleeping. When sleeping, you may have to talk about difficulties you are having troubles.

Your snoring problems can prevent your partner from getting a good night's sleep. Try your best to come up with a sleep schedule that both you can agree with.

{If you snore a lot more because you're pregnant, consult with a physician. Consult with a physician if you snore a lot more because you're pregnant.  It is possible that pregnancy snoring is the result of added weight, but it could also be caused by hormone imbalance. Since snoring excessively may rob your baby of some oxygen, you should be checked out.

You won't know you snore until someone tells you, but once they do it's up to you to fix it. It could continue to be a source of embarrassment to you in the future, and you will want to address any potential health problems that may be associated with your snoring. {Use the advice from this article if you do snore to stop it as soon as possible.|If you do snore to stop it as soon as possible, use the advice from this article.

If your snoring got worse when you packed on the pounds, lose the weight and you may reduce your snoring.

Taking sleeping pills can actually increase the amount of snoring you do, but not taking them can reduce your snoring. People who snore should attempt to sleep on their side when going to bed. Research has shown that people lay on their sides are less likely to snore than those who sleep on their backs. Sleeping pills and alcohol will make snoring worse, but it's not a good way to try to stop snoring.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Worst Super Bowl Commercial of All Time

On Sunday, February 5, 2017,  the world tuned into what has become one of the most watched events on TV. The Super Bowl is synonymous with football, food, TV, and most of all commercials. Each year corporations spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads.

In fact, the price for ONE thirty second commercial to air during the Super Bowl was $5 million dollars! This comes out to an unbelievable $166,667 per second.

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West Coast Swing Reno and Ballroom Dance Lessons Reno NV Review

West Coast Swing Reno and Ballroom Dance Lessons Reno NV Review


Valentine's Day Treats Ideas 12 Chocolate Covered Strawberries

A sweet way to send your love! 12 California strawberries are lavishly hand-dipped in premium dark chocolate and pink-tinted white chocolate and decorated with coordinating drizzle and sprinkles

Each berry is delicately hand dipped and decorated in REAL chocolate in our own kitchen for both culinary artistry and exquisitely decadent taste.


My Feelings on Franchise Businesses

You are probably reading this blog because you have read my book Business Websites That Convert, and you want to see what I have to say about franchise businesses.

By now you probably realize that I do not like, nor do I advocate the franchise model, especially for service businesses. I wasn’t joking about what I have said. I did learn all the bad things that can happen in a franchise business the hard way.

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Todays Covert commissions Review.. my Opinion

Today's Covert Commissions Review .. My Opinion -

Hands-free, 100% Automated Squeezepages & Done For You Affiliate Marketing FOR LIFE! 

Managed Affiliate List Building & Sales

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With this you can't loose  Covert Commissions

Existing members:  If you already HAVE one (or more) of the missions in the packs, we'll automatically add a bonus credit to your account for any duplicate packs, to use on ANY other current or future done for you squeezepage funnel

This is one hell of a product. Get it now. 

Covert Commissions

learn how to make lots of money with Crypto currency

This Guys name is Pat Kendrick, He is a retired economist, lead researcher and head of the Crypto Mining & Trading Division here at the Cryptocurrency Institute. If you’re sick of getting “standard” market returns of 10% or less a year, then you need to listen very carefully to what I’m about to reveal to you next. I’ve spent years working in this industry from both the academic side, such as theoretical research and analysis, to personally supervising cryptocurrency day trades in the real world, flipping ICOs, arbitrage and cryptocurrency mining. So trust me when I tell you this… Bitcoin is changing lives. I understand more than almost anyone in the country – how the super-rich, the top 1% of the elite EXPLOIT loopholes in marketplace insecurities in order to obtain ungodly amounts of market returns of up to 10,000% ROI with almost no risk at all. Let me reveal to you a one of a kind, cryptocurrency profit “loophole”, that’s going to completely transform your net worth, your income statement and your financial position practically overnight... The best thing is, we have modified this “loophole” so it works for everyday folks without a lot of money to risk and with zero experience. In fact, here are the life changing results of our students, who are first-time investors. Click the Link Above for more Info On Crypto Currency Codex


how to stop your kitten or cat from spraying

My cat will not stop spraying in the house...  what am I to do? Oh my gosh I just ran across this offer and it is the best ever.. click here


how to stop your kitten or cat from spraying

My cat will not stop spraying in the house...  what am I to do? Oh my gosh I just ran across this offer and it is the best ever.. click here


how to stop your kitten or cat from spraying

My cat will not stop spraying in the house...  what am I to do? Oh my gosh I just ran across this offer and it is the best ever.. click here


Healthy Recipes Easy Dinner

Healthy Recipes Dinner Easy by Sensational Seasonings

Sensational Seasonings is a Healthy Recipes Blog 

Our Recipe Advantages:

  • Quick & Easy
  • Low Salt, Healthy Recipes
  • Delicious Easy Recipes!
  • Yummy for the Entire Family
  • Great for Low Carb Diets

Make sure you watch my video above for more details about Sensational Seasonings and Healthy Recipes for Dinner made Easy.

You can see more details and read users' impressions about our recipes and Sensational Seasonings here:

Thanks for checking out our healthy recipes easy dinner video!

low salt diet

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Traffic Empire Review

Hello and welcome to the “Traffic Empire” Review! This is a new product series based on traffic generation aimed at building your list and making sales in the process. The launch is composed of 5 products. There is a huge contest, as usual, and $370 will be paid to the top 5 promoters! The front-end is a guide which shows how a web 2.0 website can increase traffic and deliver fresh signups day by day, with just 10 minutes of use per day. In short it’s a pretty well know network that has been used the wrong way, and that has an incredible set of opportunities to discover. This one goes for $9.97 and will go up. OTO1 is about how to rank videos on Google's first positions in 10/15 minutes. I will also give a new site where you can create stunning videos in 5 minutes, without the need to appear on video and talk. This will cost $17. OTO2 is about Instagram influencers. I will show how to start buying an account with thousands of followers and how to find valuable influencers, showing how to avoid scammers. This goes for $27.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Toenail Fungus - What's the Best Way to Get Rid of and Prevent Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungal infection is a relatively common condition. It is becoming more and more common for several reasons. If someone has a toenail fungus they know precisely how disgusting toenails may become. If left untreated the problem usually worsens.

It makes sense then to remove the fungus once you can. Even once treated, toenail fungus can reoccur and must be constantly monitored and precautionary measures taken at every corner. Fortunately there are relatively easy ways on how to prevent toenail fungus.

It is vital to first identify the source of your toenail fungal infection. Possible sources are many. Do you workout at the fitness center and take public showers? Do you go to a public swimming pool? If you walk around barefoot in the locker room this could be a problem as well. Sweaty athletic sneakers could be a cause as well. The best advice to prevent further infection is to wear sandals consistently as these places. If you have sweaty feet be sure to have absorbent socks.

An extreme measure to treat toenail fungus is to really have the nail surgical removed. Another extreme measure is to take heavy drugs such as for example Lamasil. These and other heavy drugs have very severe side effects and can cause liver disease or possible death.

Over-the-counter topical solutions and creams tend to be expensive and rarely treat anything beyond the most mildest fungus infection. They are usually pretty expensive as well. I've tried numerous of the remedies with little success.

how to prevent toenail fungus from coming back

Friday, January 19, 2018

Bitcoin Global

Get free bitcoin global 

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top 10 best injury attorney


9 Highly Effective Treatments For Lower Back Pain

A word of advice for the four-fifths of Americans who know lower back pain: Consider slacking off, just this once. People who don't pursue extreme treatment tend to have fewer complications than those who end up rushing into MRIs, x-rays, epidural injections, narcotics, and even spine surgery long before it's truly necessary, according to research. As many as 90% of back-pain episodes resolve within 6 weeks, whether they're the result of an injury or due to a structural or nerve problem. Of course, knowing that fact makes the misery only slightly more bearable, so try these patience-prolonging strategies to relieve your pain and possibly even shorten the wait until Father Time works his subtle magic.

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NEW YouTube demonetizing policy

Youtube has decided to de monetize a huge number of it subscriber. Join me here and together we will stop this constant battle to get paid for the content we all work so hard on


Best Way To Discover Houses Offer For Sale in Frisco TX

Are you hunting for homes for sale in Frisco TX? 15610 Forest Creek Drive, Frisco TX 75035 is a GORGEOUS REMODELED OPEN-FLOORPLAN BEAUTY, in the center of Frisco, with many upgrades throughout this move in ready home.

Improvements include:

New water-resistant bamboo flooring, porcelain tile, carpet, black granite countertops, SS appliances in kitchen, stacked marble fireplace. Downstairs office study, and a large game room upstairs.

It also has a Master with a large custom shower & seating.

Close to loads of retail development, and just a short walk away from Liberty High!

Hunters Creek H.O.A. provides holiday events, concerts, two community pools with lazy river, spacious parks and playgrounds, and access to the City of Frisco's West Rowlett Creek Hike and Bike Trail. Contact Terry O. Malone to schedule your showing, don't miss this one!!


Here is a map of Frisco, TX


Points of Interest in Frisco, TX

Close to locations Cobb Business Park, Village Lakes and Frisco Bridges North,Including post codes 75035 and 75033. Also close to Close to Teel Pkwy within Frisco  in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Main streets are: Near Main St and Eldorado Pkwy.


For more properties lisiting in Frisco Texas visit:

The best way to find homes for sale in Frisco TX is to simply contact: The Frisco TX real estate agent Terry O. Malone at 972-832-6600.


Valentines Day - Make IT Special :)

Love is in the air. Valentines Day is just around the corner

Just in case you forgot - 14th February 2018 Is Valentines Day.

February the 14th is said to be the most romantic day of the year for couples.

Show that special someone in your life how much you care with a thoughtful gift that won't break the bank. 

And if you're happily single, then why not treat yourself?

You can treat your partner to a special gift that's suited towards their passions and hobbies! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

The Genius Department Store has a fabulous selection of gift ideas, sourced from all over the globe, for you to choose from. With NEW products being added daily..

Our products are unique and hard to find in the UK - We'll be highlighting some of those in our upcoming blog posts so keep checking back.

But in the meantime peruse the website for amazing and unique gift ideas, that won't break the bank!

Plan well in advance SHOP NOW and ensure you grab the perfect Valentines gift, while it's available and in stock. 

SALE NOW ON ends 31st January 2018.

Spend over ÂŁ200 to receive 10% Discount first purchase only, throughout the store PLEASE USE Voucher - HE6YT7H31XSH

We look forward to hearing your romantic stories! #GeniusDepartmentStore #Romance over on our Facebook page. 

Happy Valentines - LOVE YOU! :) 

Valentines Gift Ideas

Let Google Fill Your Appointment Book with Reserve With Google

Google wants to help you fill your appointment with its newest feature Reserve With Google. Reserve With Google is available in the U.S. for businesses in the fitness or beauty industry that use a supported scheduling partner and have a Google My Business Account set up.

Why Your Business Needs to Be in Reserve With Google:

  • You can rapidly increase your number of client bookings and appointments by using this powerful tool provided by Google.
  • Google still has over 80% of the search market. This includes mobile devices. (The exact percentage varies depending on who you ask, but the lowest I've seen is 80% and this includes Mac users.)
  • It is the equivalent of putting your business on websites like or, but your clients can book directly through Google without having to leave the search engine.
  •  More people today are making booking decisions without ever visiting your site.

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What's Tea Tree Oil? Does it wipe out Finger Fungus and Fungus Contaminated Toenails?

First I would like to get started on off with a quotation from Wikipedia that explains Tea Tree Oil in addition to anybody could!

"Tea tree oil or melaleuca oil is certainly a obvious to very pale golden hydrophobic gas with a brand new camphoraceous odor. It is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia which can be indigenous to the northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. The oil features beneficial medical houses (including antiseptic and antifungal, antibacterial action), and can be believed to have beneficial cosmetic properties." - Source Wikipedia

As we are able to see from that quotation the oil is antifungal, and really should help to fight Finger Fungus and Fungus Infected Toenails! That is good to know, but is it strong enough to do it alone? Well no one knows that for certain, but they can say for certain that fungus looks very disgusting, and that's the reason there are approaching a few remedies out there that will help. These topical home cures use more than merely Tea Tree Oil which makes me believe that it isn't enough by itself.

There are some very powerful topical treatments away there, some are natural and work nicely. Do certainly not give all your hopes up because you attempted home cures like, Listerine, Vinegar, and Bleach, these were not made to fight fungus plus they do not have antifungal homes. If used tea tree oil for toenail fungus properly an all natural, effective and safe home topical solution will get rid of your Finger Fungus or Fungus Contaminated Toenails.

tea tree oil for nail fungus

Low back pain - acute

Most people have at least one backache in their life. Although this pain or discomfort can happen anywhere in your back, the most common area affected is your lower back. This is because the lower back supports most of your body's weight.

Low back pain is the number two reason that Americans see their health care provider. It is second only to colds and flu.

You will usually first feel back pain just after you lift a heavy object, move suddenly, sit in one position for a long time, or have an injury or accident.

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Lower Back Pain Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

The lumbar spine, or low back, is a remarkably well-engineered structure of interconnecting bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, and muscles all working together to provide support, strength, and flexibility. However, this complex structure also leaves the low back susceptible to injury and pain.


When to Worry About Low Back Pain

The bark of low back pain is usually much worse than its bite. The pain almost always makes it seem worse than it is.

MRI and x-ray for low back pain are surprisingly unreliable,1 because things like bulging discs aren’t actually that big a deal,2 most back pain goes away on its own,3 and trigger points (“muscle knots”) are common and can be alarmingly intense but aren’t dangerous.4 Most patients are much better off when they feel confident about these things; the power of justified, rational confidence is a huge factor in back pain.5 Sadly, many healthcare professionals continue to perpetuate the idea of fragile backs.6

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What kind of water filtration body finances do I eat this unit in Perth?

If you had to use a example from the water that we drink everyday after that you will perhaps be positively frightened at the contaminants that our team put into our bodies each day in Perth . This ends and over the unhealthy food and beverages that we eat at every possibility. Water is actually intended to become the method which our team rinse those pollutants out of our physical bodies, however all the water our company are actually consuming alcohol now is actually doing is adding to the pollutants in our bodies.


There is actually a solution for this scenario though; there are a assortment from water purification units available these days. These tools perform a selection of other functionalities as well as there is enough from a assortment for all necessities as well as budgets to become served for Faucets and Taps WA. You will definitely must do a little bit of analysis if you want to identify the optimum device for you and also your property. There are actually particular concerns that you are going to need to respond to so as to guarantee that you get the most ideal water purification system for your demands.


Filteringed system water will deliver with the water that will definitely perform the a number of projects that water is actually expected to carry out. The filtered water is going to moisturize you and also assist to moderate your internal features. Best water filter Perth because the filtered water will certainly likewise aid to flush out contaminations that build up within the body system.


Some systems are made to go outside our home, as an example Garden Water Filters that are actually intended to be used in the garden to aid eliminate bleach and the damaging effects that it carries your yard. The Uv sterilizer is also for use outside, in your garden pond. The sterilizer is actually planned to get rid of hazardous bacteria that could hurt the fish in your garden pond.


The majority of units are actually wanted for make use of indoors, they are taken advantage of to deliver clean, healthy and balanced water for consuming as well as cooking with WA Bench Top Filters.

There is a counter top water filter that may be walked around off space to space depending on where you need that; it makes use of carbon dioxide to remove the pollutants. The whole house filter supplies filtered water throughout the house for cooking food, consuming and also cleansing. Water distillers remove organic pollutants and also extremely decrease chemical pollutants from the water that you acquire. Water ionization devices not only filter the water via carbon dioxide, they also put the water by means of an ionization procedure to produce healthy and balanced, alkaline water Perth. Reverse Osmosis systems filter the water with a membrane layer that just permits water molecules via and also no big compounds in Perth. The water magnetics are actually used on the outdoor of pipes as well as devices to remove the scale buildup on the inside of the pipe or even home appliance and also to lengthen the live from the home appliance.